Human Growth Hormone (Somatropin)
What is human growth hormone?
Hormones play a part almost in every important function, including growth. There are several glands in the body that produce hormones, and the pituitary gland is considered the main control gland. It isn’t only to control other glands but it also produces one of the most beneficial hormones; Human Growth Hormone. The pituitary gland is located in the brain near the hypothalamus. It produces hormones in response to a complex set of chemical messages from the hypothalamus.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) operates on many tissues all over the body. It stimulates the growth of bones and cartilage for children and adolescents. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) boosts protein production, helps in the utilization of fat, interferes with the action of insulin, raises the level of insulin, like growth factor (IGF-1), and raises blood sugar levels.
The first successful use of Human Growth Hormone was conducted in 1958. At that time GH was extracted from the pituitary of human cadavers. Extracted Growth Hormone had been successful in different treatments, however in 1985 FDA banned its use due to unsanitary disadvantages.
Shortly after that a synthetic Human Growth Hormone was introduced. It was not as pure of a match as natural HGH, but the difference was only one molecule. A year later another company synthesized a pure HGH. True Growth Hormone carries 191 amino acid residues. The synthesized Human Growth Hormone which is identical to naturally produced HGH is named Somatropin.
Somatropin and medical uses
Synthetic HGH can be used for a variety of medical complications. Somatropin is used to help children suffering from growth disorders, also it can be prescribed to adults who have growth hormone deficiencies. Human Growth Hormone is frequently prescribed to HIV/AIDS patients to help them maintain muscles. In addition, it can also could be prescribed to treat other diseases.
Human Growth Hormone in sports
Somatropin is a peptide hormone which stimulates growth on the cellular level. GH stimulates cellular reproduction and regeneration in the body. The effects of using synthesized Growth Hormone spread to a wide range of areas and could lead to vast improvements throughout the entire body. However, athletes rarely use it alone, and the most beneficial results could be achieved by combining HGH with androgenic anabolic steroids.
Somatropin and androgenic anabolic steroids seem to work incredible together. For instance we can see that current competing bodybuilders are about 90 pounds heavier than bodybuilders from years ago. Over the last 35 years nothing has changed in steroids, so we can assume that the reason for such improvement is from using Human Growth Hormone and Insulin.
Somatropin has the ability to promote recovery. Fast recovery lets an athlete train harder and more frequently. Another important effect of Human Growth Hormone is its effect on the metabolism. This effect is very important for bodybuilders. HGH allows you to gain less fat during the off-season period, and even more importantly, it burns fat at a much faster rate during the cutting cycle while simultaneously retaining muscles. Also, Somatropin is involved and related to another very important hormone Insulin, Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), is one of the main hormones that affects almost every cell in our body. Increased levels of GH will increase IGF-1 levels in our body.
The overall effects of Human Growth Hormone include:
- faster recovery
- decreased body fat
- Improved cholesterol levels
- enhanced metabolic rate
- Increased endurance and performance
- healthier skin
- Increased bone strength
- higher energy levels
- deeper sleeping
- increased lean tissue growth
- Improvements in the immune system
These are only the most notable improvements from using Somatropin, it can provide even more benefits than those listed.
Professional athletes in many sports use Human Growth Hormone. It’s especially popular in bodybuilding, football, basketball, hockey, fighting sports etc. Somatropin delivers its best results when used for a long period of time, but the price of Somatropin is fairly costly, so not all amateur athletes can afford it.
Human Growth Hormone dosages 
Injections of Somatropin can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Bioavailability and half-life in the body will vary depending on the injections. Since both of them have their own advantages, but overall have very similar results, the easiest and most popular way is by subcutaneous injections.
For medical purposes, Somatropin doses vary from 1-3 IUs (international unit) per day for males and 1-2 IUs per day for females. Sometimes prescribed doses may be slightly less or higher but it’s uncommon.
For enhancement performance, doses vary from 2-5 IUs per day for males and from 1-3 IUs per day for females. Such dosages are used for fast recovery and fat loss, and very commonly for football players, hockey players, basketball players, bodybuilders in the off-season and athletes in fighting sports.
Professional bodybuilders doses can vary from 7-20 IUs per day for males and from 5-12 IUs depending on the season and other factors. Doses higher than 9 IUs per day greatly increase the possibility of side effects. Advanced bodybuilders usually combine HGH with androgenic anabolic steroids and insulin for maximum result.
The duration of use regardless of the dose must be long term. The length of using Somatropin should be at least 12 weeks and to achieve maximum growth benefits from HGH the duration should be 6 months or longer. For anti-aging purposes, the use of Human Growth Hormone could last all your life, if you can afford it.
Side effects of Human Growth Hormone
Human Growth Hormone is relatively safe to use especially in adequate dosages. It’s much safer than many androgenic anabolic steroids and some other hormones. There are possible side effects of HGH use, but they are fairly rare and the worst ones come from huge dosages. Also, some minor side effects can occur when an individual starts using it, but they usually disappear as the body adapts.
The most frequent side effect of Human Growth Hormone is water retention. This will usually stop after the body adapts if doses are not very big. Headaches, hypoglycemia and pains in joints can also appear but aren’t supposed to last long with proper use. The side effects of HG may also include carpal tunnel syndrome (painful wrists) which occurs as a result of heavy water retention. Other possible but very rare side effects include: nausea, a numbing of the skin, sleepiness, and respiratory infection.
The most severe side effects of Human Growth Hormone are almost always related to the abuse of huge dosages. Enlargement of the hands and feet are another of the possible side effects when doses are big. A more pronounced jawline can appear, some males would not care about it and might even consider it as a positive side effect. However, for females this can be detrimental. One of the brightest examples of this side effect is UFC fighter Chris Cyborg. The worst possible side effect is the enlargement of internal organs. The only known possible way to stop developing these severe side effects is to cease using Human Growth Hormone.
Somatropin is not fully studied, therefore there could be more possible side effects or benefits from its use. For instance, some of the doctors and scientists assume that since Somatropin multiplies cells its use might increase the risk of cancer.
How to buy Human Growth Hormone
Somatropin is widely available on the both pharmaceutical and black market. Despite that, it’s still difficult to obtain high quality Somatropin. Due to the high price of Human Growth Hormone it’s one of the most counterfeited hormones. In addition to completely fake production the market is full of low grade or low quality Somatropin. Even the pharmaceutical market contains counterfeited Somatropin, so you can’t be completely sure that you’re purchasing high quality Somatropin even with a prescription.
If you do not have a prescription you can purchase Human Growth Hormone online. However the risk of buying low quality or fake Human Growth Hormone is very high. Also the purchase of Human Growth Hormone on the Internet in the US is a crime as this is a prescription only medication. However, it’s nearly impossible that you will be charged for this crime.
Before buying Human Growth Hormone on the Internet try to do some research, choose a reliable brand and find a supplier who sells that brand with positive reviews on different boards. Chinese brands of Human Growth Hormone are much cheaper than European or US brands but they are even more frequently fake or under dosed. You also can check the product in the lab but it’s not going to work with relatively cheap chinese HGH since one pack can be high quality and next one contain significantly less IU’s than declared.