
Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E)
Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E)
Testosterone Enanthate is not only the most popular derivative of Testosterone but also the most used steroid of all time. Synthetic testosterone was developed in the 1930’s. However, there were no esters attached, the drug was fast acting, and required very frequent injections. Very soon after that, the first ester that controls testosterone was introduced to the market, this was Testosterone Propionate. This ester allowed control over the testosterone hormone by regulating its time release. Testosterone Propionate’s half-life is only 2-3 days and still requires enough frequent injections for patients with low testosterone levels, which is why pharmaceutical companies continued working on creating new esters. In the 1950’s, a larger ester, Enanthate was attached to the testosterone hormone thus slowing down its activity.
clenbuterol (clen)
Clenbuterol (Clen)
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride (Clen) is a bronchodilator that was created to treat breathing disorders, mostly asthma. The drug has never been approved by the US FDA because there were already several very similar medications, with almost identical properties, which had already been approved in the US by the time Clenbuterol was released. However, Clen is legalized in lots of countries around the world, including European Union countries, as an asthma drug.
Workout program: Sustanon Cycle
Workout program: Sustanon Cycle
In today’s video I’ll introduce the workout program that I’m using for my Sustanon only cycle. The workout program was created especially for my body and muscle type and taking into consideration that I’m using 500 milligrams of Sustanon per week. There isn’t a perfect workout program that suits everyone because each person is unique. However, you can use my workout plan as a base and adjust it to your needs. You may also find any other suitable program on the Internet.
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