
Results after 2 weeks of using Tbol (Turinabol)
Results after 2 weeks of using Tbol (Turinabol)
In this video I show the results after two weeks of the Tbol solo cycle. I'll tell you how much I increased my weight and volume of my biceps and chest. I also describe how it fells like to be on the turinabol solo cycle and noticeable side effects from the androgenic anabolic steroid.
Nutrition (diet) program, examples of daily intake of carbohydrates, protein and fat (2018)
This video is all about nutrition plan. In the beginning of the video I explain about nutrition groups such as carbohydrates, protein and fat. After, I tell you about different types of bodies and explain what’s the difference between them. Then I will compose the optimal diet plan for me and help everyone else to compose their an individual nutrition program considering their body type and lifestyle.
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