Nutrition program, examples of daily intake of carbs, protein and fat
Video description:
This video is all about nutrition plan. In the beginning of the video I explain about nutrition groups such as carbohydrates, protein and fat. After, I tell you about different types of bodies and explain what’s the difference between them.
Then I will compose the optimal diet plan for me and help everyone else to compose their an individual nutrition program considering their body type and lifestyle.
In the end of the video I’ll show some examples how you can intake needed quantity of protein, carbohydrates and fat according your diet program.
Text in the video:
Hey guys, today is my third video. I’m going to dedicate this video to a nutritional program. I’ll explain to you the basics of nutrition, and introduce you to an optimal nutrition program for the turinabol solo cycle. I also will recommend optimal diets for different kinds of bodies, and show some examples of how to get the desired quantity of protein, carbohydrates and fat. My nutritional program is composed by professional nutritionists and bodybuilders who have lots of experience and already have helped numerous people. So, please keep watching.
First, I’d like to start with an explanation of some basic concepts of nutrition. There are three basic macro nutrition groups of food protein, carbohydrates and fat. The only food group that is building material is protein. Protein is essential for the whole body not only for your muscles, but your skin, hair, bones, and organs depend on protein as well. Carbohydrates and fat are an energy source; how much you take in, should depend on demand.
According to latest experiments, an optimal dose of protein for everyone not only for bodybuilders or athletes, but for absolutely everyone is 0.7 grams of protein per pound of weight. This is a healthy amount for everyone regardless of one’s lifestyle. For amateur and professional athletes and bodybuilders or anyone who is training intensely, an optimal intake of protein is 0.9 grams of protein per pound. You should not intake more because your stomach would not be able to assimilate it. For bodybuilders and athletes during the cycle, an optimal intake of protein goes as far as 1.3 grams of protein per pound. Steroids help to assimilate protein and you can use more protein during a cycle, and then in an advanced you can use more protein profitably. Why should athletes intake more protein than general people? With intense training athletes break down a lot of muscle tissue that basically is nothing but the protein in Amino Acids. So it’s obvious that athletes will require more protein than general people.
Another important factor is the intake of required protein in small portions. You have to divide the intake of protein into four, five or even more portions per day. For instance eggs in the morning, chicken for lunch, a protein cocktail between lunch and dinner, fish for dinner and a protein cocktail before go to a bed. We have to divide protein intake first of all because our stomach cannot assimilate huge portions of protein and second assimilating protein takes time and will take different amounts of time for different kinds of foods. When our body does not have enough protein that our organism requires, the body has to take it from within so it has to break down some tissue to get amino acids. As result the body will lose muscle mass. That is the main reason why frequently new athletes who think that only hard training is important, loose their mass. One more important note about protein is that each gram of protein has 4 calories. Don’t be afraid to intake a little more protein than it needed. An excess of protein will not be assimilated.
Carbohydrates are a little bit more complicated than protein because they are divided into a few groups. The First one is the simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates have a ‘simple’ molecular structure and are made up of 1-2 sugar molecules. The simplest form of carbohydrate is glucose. Examples of simple carbohydrates are sugar, honey, fruit, and fruit juice. You should avoid these types of carbohydrates if you are losing weight or trying to gain lean muscles. When you’re trying to gain lean muscles you can use simple carbohydrates during workout or immediately after in order to get glucose. Second type of carbohydrates is complex starchy carbohydrates. Examples of this kind of carbohydrates are brown rice, pasta, and cereal (from whole meal flour). Complex carbohydrates are also made up of sugars, but the sugar molecules strained together in a more complex chain. These types of carbohydrates are good for athletes who are losing weight or trying to build any kind of mass. But you have to use it when you spend energy.
If you eat lots of complex starchy carbohydrates and don’t have any activity to do, it would be contained like fat in your body, but much more slowly than simple carbohydrates. This is the reason, why some people who don’t eat fat at all are wondering why they continue to have lots of fat. Complex starchy carbohydrates give us slow sustained energy. But there is one moment that you have to know. Often these types of carbohydrates are refined. It means that some parts like the bran and the germ are removed from the grain. When complex carbohydrates lose complex structure it becomes the same as simple carbohydrates. White rice, white bread, some type of cereals, pasta, noodles, white flour are all examples of refined carbohydrates. The third type of carbohydrates is complex fibrous carbohydrates. This kind of carbohydrates include mostly vegetables.
They are rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fibrous carbohydrates are very low in calories and it is almost impossible to overeat them. Most people can intake this type of carbohydrates with only positive consequences. Fibrous carbohydrates often give you negative calories. For example if your body type is ectomorph or mesomorph, your body spends more calories to assimilate fibrous carbohydrates than they are contained. Endomorph type of body spends about same quantity of calories to assimilate fibrous carbohydrates than they contain. Fat is another source of energy and fat also contains some essential vitamins like omega 3 and omega 6. I recommend decreasing intake to as little as possible. Usually sources of protein such as fish, chicken, beef contain amounts of vitamins that are needed for our organism. If you use protein cocktails as a source of protein all the time you can use fish oil or capsule forms of fish oil in order to get required vitamins.
I prefer to obtain energy from carbohydrates so I will try to minimize intake of fat. My protein sources will have enough essential fat that are needed in my body. Some nutritionists advise diets where you get energy from fat, perhaps you might have heard about keta diet. I think this is a harder diet and I prefer using carbohydrates like an energy source.
I had already mentioned different kinds of bodies that people have. The three main types are ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph. There are also mixed types like ectomesomoph and so on. Ectomorh type could be described as a skinny guy who has a problem gaining some weight. Endomorh is the opposite kind, there is a joke that endomorphic can drink water and still gain some weight. Mesomorh type is something between Ectomorph and Endomorph, they also have traits like broad shoulders and large bones.
Now I’m going to determine my diet and help everyone of you to determine your diet during turinabol cycle with the goal to gain lean mass.
First let’s determine quantity of protein.
My type of body is ectomesomorph and during the cycle I will intake 1.1 grams of protein per pound of my weight. It’s the optimal amount considering the active training and the turinabol solo cycle. My current weight is 172 pounds therefore my protein intake will be 190 grams daily. I will divide protein intake into 5 portions per day. It would be approximately 38 grams per time. For Endomorph I would recommend 0.9 grams per pound. For Ectomorh 1.2 grams per pound and 1 gram for mesomorph.
Carbohydrates I will use according my daily activity. I will workout about four days per week. My workout will be between 8 pm and 10 pm. On the days when I am going to workout my intake of carbohydrates would be 1.8 grams per pound of weight therefore my carbohydrates intake will be 309.6 grams daily.
On the days when I don’t have training my intake will be 1 gram per pound therefore my carbohydrates intake will be 172 grams. About 75% of carbohydrates will be complex starchy carbohydrates. I also will use some simple carbohydrates during and after workout. I will also eat some fibrous carbohydrates.
For endomorph I recommend to start with 1.4 grams per pound on active days, and 0.6 grams per pound during days without exercising, including lots of fibrous carbohydrates on those days. For Ectomorph the optimal dosage is 2 grams per pound on active days and 1.2 grams per pound on days without training. For mesomorph I recommend to start with 1.7 grams per pound of weight on workout days. In days, when you don’t go to a gym it depends on your daily activities, your habits your job and your school. You should start with 0.9 grams per pound of weight and observe the results.
It’s very hard to tell you exactly how many grams of carbohydrates you need but after two weeks you have to assess the result. If your body doesn’t gain enough mass you have to increase carbohydrates intake. Otherwise if you gain too much mass and the mass quality is not good enough, you should decrease the intake of carbohydrates.
I will not eat any fat except fat included in my sources of protein such as fish, chicken and beef. If you want some additional fat intake you should use only healthy fats for instance, nuts, avocado, olive, ground flaxseed. Remember that 1 gram of fat consists of 9 calories 1 gram of carbohydrates is equal to 4 calories.
I will divide my food into five times per day. Each of these times I will take even parts of protein. Carbohydrates intake will be depended on my daily activities and they will be adjusted after a few weeks if the results do not satisfy me.
Now, I’d like to show you examples of daily nutrition that contain all substances that I need daily, during the turinabol solo cycle. Each product has nutritional value; you can obtain a book where you can find nutrition value or just search information on the Internet. For instance big egg white has 4.5 grams of protein, chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein per 100 grams of chicken. You should purchase a kitchen scale. It’s a cheap, small and very useful instrument, it looks something like this.
So, the first I am going to show affordable and the easiest option of nutrition in an active day. In the morning around 8.30, my breakfast is 5 boiled egg whites and cereals (from whole meal flour) with low fat milk. Each big egg’s white contains 4.5 grams of protein, so my protein intake from eggs will be 22.5 grams. My 200 grams of cereals contain 7.28 grams of protein, 51.2 grams of carbohydrates and 1.32 grams of fat. I added 280 milliliters of low fat milk in my cereals that contain 9 grams of protein, 14.3 grams of carbohydrates and 2.8 grams of fat.
In summary my breakfast intake will be approximately 38.78 grams of protein, 65.5 grams of carbohydrates, and only 4.12 grams of fat.
My lunch is at around 12.30 pm. It includes brown rice and fish fillet. 200 grams of brown rice contains 45.6 grams of carbohydrates, 5.14 grams of protein and 1.78 grams of fat. 150 grams of Fish fillet contains 33.9 grams of protein 0.46 grams of carbohydrates and 2.36 grams of fat. In summary my lunch contains 39.04 grams of protein 46.06 grams of carbohydrates, and 4.14 grams of fat.
My next intake of food is around 4.00 pm. It’s gainer with mostly starchy carbohydrates with low fat lactose free milk. I put 3 scoops of gainer that contain 34.5 grams of protein 43.5 grams of carbohydrates and 8.25 gram of fat. 200 ml low fat lactose free milk contains 4.1 grams of protein, 5.2 grams of carbohydrates and 1.7 grams of fat. In summary my intake will be approximately 38.6 grams of protein, 48.7 grams of carbohydrates, and 9.95 grams of fat.
My dinner is around 7.30 pm. It contains pasta (from wholemeal flour), and boiled chicken breast. 200 grams of my pasta contains 91.6 grams of carbohydrates 16.2 grams of protein and 3.6 grams of fat. 100 grams of chicken chest contains 31 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. In summary my lunch contains approximately 47.2 grams of protein, 91.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 6.6 grams of fat. Last intake of food, Immediately after workout, I’m going to eat one small pie that contains 32.54 grams of carbohydrates 1.4 grams of protein and 4.6 grams of fat. I’ll also drink a protein cocktail with juice. 200 grams of my juice contains 28 grams of carbohydrates, 1.7 grams of protein, and 0.4 grams of fat. My protein supplement contains 48 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 4.5 grams of fat. In summary my last intake contains 51.1 grams of protein, 66.54 grams of carbohydrates, and 9.5 grams of fat.
In general summary my intake of protein from this day is 214.72 grams of protein, 318.4 grams of carbohydrates, and 34.31 grams of fat.
The second example is the option of food on the days when I do not work out. In the morning I’ll eat free fat yogurt and cereals with low fat milk. As I told before 200 ml low fat milk contains 6.95 grams of protein, 10.3 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fat. 100 grams of my cereals contain 3.64 grams of protein, 25.6 grams of carbohydrates and 0.66 grams of fat. My 240 grams of yogurt contains 28 grams of protein and 11 grams of carbohydrates. Summary of my breakfast is 38.59 grams of protein, 46.9 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.66 grams of fat.
My lunch in the example is a sandwich from whole meal bread, white meat turkey, beef and vegetables. I use two slices of bread for my sandwich which is 50 grams of bread that contains 7.2 grams of protein, 24 grams of carbohydrates and 2.2 grams of fat. I use 100 grams of meat: white turkey meat and beef that contains 29 grams of protein and 3.9 grams of fat. All vegetables in my sandwich contain approximately 1.38 grams of protein, 4.62 grams of carbohydrates and 0.18 grams of fat. In summary my lunch contains 37.58 grams of protein, 28.62 grams of carbohydrates, and 6.28 grams of fat.
My next intake of food is around 4.00 pm and it’s the same food like in the workout days, gainer with mostly scratchy carbohydrates with low fat lactose free milk. In summary my intake from this food approximately 38.6 grams of protein, 48.7 grams of carbohydrates, and 9.95 grams of fat.
My dinner is mashed potatoes and salmon. 150 grams of salmon contains 33.2 grams of protein and 9.24 grams of fat. 200 gram of mashed potatoes contains 3.36 grams of protein, 31.42 grams of carbohydrates and 0.22 grams of fat. In summary my dinner contains 36.56 grams of protein, 31.42 grams of carbohydrates and 9.46 grams of fat.
Around 11 pm I’ll drink my protein cocktail with vitamin water. Vitamin water does not contain essential protein, carbohydrates and fat. My protein supplement contains 48 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 4.5 grams of fat.
In summary my example of food on days without work out contains 199.33 grams of protein, 161.64 grams of carbohydrates, and 32.85 grams of fat. It’s just two examples of how you can intake the required protein, carbohydrates and fat. Using those two examples you can create much more similar examples just changing components, for instance you can change yogurt for cottage cheese, chicken to beef, cereals with porridge etcetera.
That’s all that I wanted to tell you today. In the next video I’ll introduce you my workout program and show some exercises at the gym.
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See you soon in my next video.
Bye, Bye
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