Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E) – Smart-Bodybuilding
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Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E)

Testosterone Enanthate is not only the most popular derivative of Testosterone but also the most used steroid of all time. Synthetic testosterone was developed in the 1930’s. However, there were no esters attached, the drug was fast acting, and required very frequent injections. Very soon after that, the first ester that controls testosterone was introduced to the market, this was Testosterone Propionate. This ester allowed control over the testosterone hormone by regulating its time release. Testosterone Propionate’s half-life is only 2-3 days and still requires enough frequent injections for patients with low testosterone levels, which is why pharmaceutical companies continued working on creating new esters. In the 1950’s, a larger ester, Enanthate was attached to the testosterone hormone thus slowing down its activity.

Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E)

Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E)General Description

Testosterone Enanthate is not only the most popular derivative of Testosterone but also the most used steroid of all time. Synthetic testosterone was developed in the 1930’s. However, there were no esters attached, the drug was fast acting, and required very frequent injections. Very soon after that, the first ester that controls testosterone was introduced to the market, this was Testosterone Propionate. This ester allowed control over the testosterone hormone by regulating its time release. Testosterone Propionate’s half-life is only 2-3 days and still requires enough frequent injections for patients with low testosterone levels, which is why pharmaceutical companies continued working on creating new esters. In the 1950’s, a larger ester, Enanthate was attached to the testosterone hormone thus slowing down its activity.

Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of low testosterone. The drug is also very popular among steroid users, because of its versatility. Testosterone Enanthate can be used in cutting and gaining cycles. It also can be used as a solo steroid cycle or in combination with almost any other known steroids.

Test E is a pure synthetic testosterone hormone that has an attached ester. The ester attached to the testosterone at the 17 beta hydroxyl group. The attached Enanthate ester allows control of the hormones duration and release time. After injectection the testosterone doesn’t become active until the Enanthate ester begins to detach  from the testosterone hormone, full detachment happens gradually, which allows the drug to be injected less frequently. Testosterone Enanthate has a half-life of approximately 8 days. In steroid cycles it is usually injected once per week.

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate are pretty straight forward. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone which is produced by people’s organism. This hormone is essential for our health, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as: increased muscle, increased bone mass, growth of body hair, and a deepening of the voice.

A person who is using Testosterone Enanthate for physical enhancement will increase his testosterone level far beyond the normal range. As a result, his physical, sexual, and mental wellbeing will be improved.

Testosterone Enanthate, as all testosterone based steroids, enhance protein synthesis. This means that your stomach will be able to assimilate larger amounts of protein. Test E increases red blood cell count which helps to increase muscular endurance. Testosterone Enanthate enhances nitrogen retention which helps in maintaining a positive nitrogen balance, enhancing tissue growth ability, and protecting lean muscle tissue during caloric deficit. Test E increases Insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a naturally produced protein hormone, this hormone is highly anabolic and plays an important role on the body’s ability to recover and heal.

As I mentioned before, Testosterone Enanthate could be used for different goals and the effects will depend on your diet and training. For a gaining cycle, Test E enhances protein as well as both anabolic and androgenic activity. For a cutting cycle, Test E protects muscle tissue from being wasted during caloric deficit. For the enhancement of athletic performance the drug increases endurance, strength, and accelerates the recovery process. Testosterone Enanthate also can be used for the goal of gaining lean tissue. Experienced individuals are able to pack on some lean muscles without fat as long as adequate calories are taken.  

Side effects of Test E Testosterone Enanthate (TEST E) 

As with all steroids, Testosterone Enanthate has some possible side effects, these side effects can be managed or avoided if you use proper dosages. We can divide the possible side effects of Test E into a few groups based on their origin.

The first group is Androgenic side effects, they can be strong and depend on genetic predispositions. This group includes the following possible side effects: acne, hair loss, and hair growth all over the body. If you are not predisposed to baldness you aren’t going to lose any hair. Some people use a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasteride to reduce androgenic side effects and though it helps decrease the total androgenicity, it will not help people with strong genetic predispositions.

The second group is Estrogenic side effects. Testosterone aromatases into estrogen. The more testosterone level we have the more testosterone aromatases. A high level of estrogen can lead to Gynecomastia and water retention. In order to avoid estrogen side effects you can use aromatase inhibitors (AI’s) like anastrozole or selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM’s) like Nolvadex. Aromatase inhibitors (AI’s) are the most effective way to avoid the estrogen side effects of Testosterone Enanthate. However, another problem can appear with cholesterol level. Test E increases cholesterol levels on its own, and in combination with AI’s the level of cholesterol can be increased significantly, thus negatively impacting the cardiovascular system. To avoid this problem you should check your cholesterol level before the cycle and follow a special diet.

The last group of Test E side effects are side effects related to the suppression of natural testosterone production. During the cycle your organism’s getting significant amounts of synthetically produced testosterone, your organism notices that testosterone amount is too high and stops producing natural testosterone. Once your cycle is over, natural testosterone production will start again, however it’s a long process that can take some time to fully recover the natural testosterone level. Post cycle therapy (PCT) helps  to restore your natural testosterone production more quickly. For PCT you should use Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) or Clomid (Clomiphene).

Testosterone Enanthate Dosages

Testosterone Enanthate can be used solo, or in combination with other steroids. The dosage can vary from 250 mg  per week and aspire to infinity. There are rumors that some professional bodybuilders use 1000 mg daily, however it would undoubtedly lead to severe side effects. The most common dosage is 250-500 mg per week. The dosage of 250 mg per week is used to maintain testosterone levels suppressed by other steroids. The dosage of 500 mg per week provides great anabolic effect and lets you control side effects. The dosage can be split into two equal injections per week.

TEST EHow to buy Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate is a very common steroid all over the world. There are lots of legal and underground pharmaceutical labs that produce the drug. The price of Test E is very affordable compared with other drugs.

There is only one completely legal way to buy Testosterone Enanthate in the USA. You have to get a prescription from a doctor, otherwise you have to turn to the black market. There are two ways to purchase Testosterone Enanthate on the black market, the first one is through the internet and the second is from a local dealer.

It’s pretty easy to purchase Test E online. Hundreds of websites are selling different brands, however if you don’t know a trustworthy source you could always be ripped off, also there is the possibility of bad quality in production. That’s why you need to do deep research before buying Testosterone Enanthate online. Buying Test E from a local dealer is usually safer but the price is higher than online and you still have to find one.

In the end, I’d like to remind that US law, regarding steroids, is very strict and even possession of substances such as Testosterone Enanthate can lead to big fines and the possibility of prison. So, you should be very careful not only when you’re purchasing Test E, but also when storing the drug.

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I gotta favorite this website it seems very beneficial invaluable

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